Wheelchair Tray
Aaron is a 19-year-old boy that suffers from quadriplegia cerebral palsy, scoliosis, and kyphosis. Aaron is a beautiful boy that shows affection to everyone he meets, he has a bubbly personality and deserves the best in life. Throughout my studies in design and technology, I designed a wheelchair tray that provides Aaron with the means to learn through sensory materials and objects whilst having something he can travel with. Designing and creating the wheelchair tray was physically and emotionally challenging to produce but it also taught me new skills, to appreciate life to the fullest, and to always give back. Producing the tray was an honour and I’m proud to have been able to give Aaron something he loves and can utilise every day.
Recycling Project
Through my studies at high school, I designed a stool and photo frame made from recycled materials. All materials used were being thrown away into landfill, this pushed me to create something that would last and not cause any effect on the environment, the stool and photo frame both had the central feature of catalogues from The Reject Shop as it reminds us of everyday activities and where our waste is going. The project allowed me to enhance my knowledge and skills in the design and technology workshop whilst turning waste into something aesthetically appealing and unique.
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